SoftBiobank is software designed to manage sample repositories, allowing for annotation, storage and supervision over the distribution of biological materials. The system enables the realization of scientific and commercial projects, while ensuring data security and compliance with all legal regulations regarding biobanking. The ease of searching the collected resources and extensive reporting possibilities make SoftBiobank an ideal solution for customers who collect large numbers of samples, not limiting themselves to banking one type of material.
SoftBiobank is built on the basis of a database supporting Big Data management. It combines multi-faceted data management and analytical tools designed to support scientists and bioinformaticians in creating innovative services and products.

SoftBiobank provides full support for the distribution of biological material, tracking the spilling and splitting process of the received materials. Each sample registered in the system is given a unique number protecting against inadvertent misidentification or loss of material. The processes that take place during sample registration can be configured and automated through the use of accessioning protocols. This allows to plan what types of samples will be accepted into the biobank within the selected project, as well as what processes they will be subject to before they are banked and what derivative samples we want to obtain from them, e.g. isolation of nucleic acids or PBMC, sectioning of solid tissues.
Integration with external systems
Thanks to the possibilities of data integration, SoftBiobank eliminates the necessity of entering and comparing information coming with samples from various external systems manually. This ensures both the consistency of the stored data as well as supports quality maintenance.
Configuration of storage and refrigerators
The system is equipped with advanced traceability of stored samples, enables supervision over all biobank resources, allowing for detailed localization and visualization of the collected materials. The layout of refrigerators, storage and their containers is fully customizable, which allows for an accurate mapping of the organizational structure and the location of the sample with accuracy as to its position in a box or rack. Users can define automatic rules according to which samples will be given appropriate places in the refrigerator, depending on, for example, the type of material, owner or research project.
Monitoring refrigerators and readings from BMS systems
SoftBiobank allows to collect and monitor parameters that may affect the quality and integrity of the material stored in the biobank. Refrigerators connected to the biobanking system automatically send notifications about temperature fluctuations beyond the accepted range of standards. This facilitates quick reaction of the personnel and allows to protect the samples against possible damage. SoftBiobank also supports the collection of data from the so-called Intelligent Building Management Systems (BMS), eg information on temperature changes in laboratories, changes in the settings in the ventilation system, or data related to the power supply system of the building.Thus, it
allows to collect parameters for both refrigerators and the rooms in which they are located in one place.
Efficient workflow and management
SoftBiobank allows to track the workflow and data within the organization at various levels of detail. In addition, it also allows to supervise the course of documentation and remote authorization using an electronic signature. Employees can easily find their assigned tasks on task lists and confirm their execution there. It is also a place from which the biobank manager can supervise the performance of duties entrusted to employees. The system is equipped with functionalities such as audit of daily activities and change tracking, which additionally improves efficient management and facilitates work.
The records of operations carried out in the system allow for easy generation of management reports, thus supporting quality management processes. Generating daily workflow reports, creating non-compliance reports and conducting routine quality check-ups facilitate the work of each biobank manager.
Scanning and labelling
The use of a solution based on the integration of the system with bar code readers, both 2D and 3D, accelerates the processes of material registration, placing it in the biobank or pulling the desired samples by the employee. Furthermore, the system supports the design of labels containing fields selected by user with information necessary for material processing.
Data search and reporting
Flexible and easy-to-use query creation opens up a number of possibilities for accurate and organizationspecific reporting. Among others, by anonymizing data, the system facilitates safe publication of selected information. Selected collections can be published on the websi
Scientific projects
The functionality of conducting research projects enables the simultaneous implementation of research of different specificity and scope, and facilitates the systematization of work. SoftBiobank has extensive functionality of designing its own questionnaires consisting of numerical and text fields, dates, or multiple-choice fields. This speeds up the input of data to the system and supports the user in collecting consistent data in the system. For each project, it is possible to configure any view templates that facilitate work with the collected information. In addition, the data of samples included in the research project can be updated collectively, using data import and export to xls / csv files.
The latest IT standards
The web solution based on the client-server architecture allows to use the system with any mobile devices. Thanks to the application of the latest IT standards, it is possible to access the system from multiple workstations simultaneously and securely. Wide configuration possibilities enable the implementation of the system in even the most demanding biobanks, also working with Big Data.
Support for multicentre organizations and biobank networks
The use of one central database in SoftBiobank enables resources management in large organizations, including those operating simultaneously in many time zones. The system supports processes such as receiving material from external centers and their relocation within the internal structure of the organization, including attaching transport documents to samples, or tracking deliveries. Depending on the needs, users can register orders for sending both samples and data in the system.
SoftBiobank supports the standards and requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 17025, ISO 15189, ISO 20387, GLP i GMP.
Our products
Work management system in laboratories of various profiles: medical, environmental and industrial. It supports the processes of testing and developing samples, monitoring the warehouse, inventory and apparatus.
Software aimed at organizations with an implemented quality management system. It facilitates the supervision of documentation, handling corrective and preventive actions (CAPA), monitoring trainings or conducting audits.
NGS Console
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data processing system. Dedicated to scientific and diagnostic laboratories.
Genetics ISS
A software package containing solutions for cytogenetics, molecular biology, immunogenetics, flow cytometry, biochemistry and pathology, aimed at facilities with an extensive diagnostic profile. Possibility of integration with the hospital system and access via the Internet.
A platform that allows to place orders for tests and access results and reports online, both by laboratories and directly by patients or doctors.
A specialized laboratory system dedicated to pathomorphological and histopathological laboratories.
Data Portal
A platform designed for storing, posting and sharing big data sets. Integrated with other applications, it facilitates transfer and distribution of data.
Is a modern software for managing the flow of data between LIS systems and medical instruments as well as software supporting the analysis of patient results.